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Damien Rice9 crimes
247 2

Richard Cory

They say that Richard Cory
Owns one half of this whole town
With political connections
To spread his wealth around
Born into society
A banker's only child
He had everything a man could want:
Power, grace, and style

But I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be
Richard Cory

The papers print his picture
Almost everywhere he goes
Richard Cory at the opera
Richard Cory at a show
And the rumor of his parties
And the orgies on his yacht!
Oh he surely must be happy
With everything he's got

But I, I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be
Richard Cory

He freely gave to charity
He had the common touch
And they were grateful for his patronage
And they thanked him very much
So my mind was filled with wonder
When the evening headlines read:
"Richard Cory went home last night
And put a bullet through his head"

But I, I work in his factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be
Richard Cory

219 1

mamã não contes

chove imenso, penso no zé gomes

regresso de almoço, quentinho no carro a ouvir isto

parado num sinal vejo um casal na ombreira de uma porta, cada um com uma criança pequena no braçado

penso: digo venham para aqui, saiam da chuva

de que adianta? há um restaurante ao lado, não sou melhor abrigo e não posso ficar aqui parado

o sinal muda, há gente atrás de mim tenho que seguir, buzinam, não há tempo

sinal seguinte: devia ter-me oferecido para os levar para onde fossem

que diferença faria na vida deles? que futuro terão crianças cujos pais não têm alternativa senão andar com eles à chuva?

a vida é o que é, eu sou o que sou, uma merda de sentimentos inúteis

223 1

Playing probabilities

Joachim KühnA-R-T-E-N-E
196 0
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