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Tesourinho animante

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Fez-me rir, pôs-me a cabeça a andar à roda, e quando acabou desejei que tivesse mais três horas de filme.
São tão os raros os filmes que não têm pretensões de ensinar nada, mas que nos ajudam a perceber tudo.

Voltei ao principio. Quero ficar mais um bocado neste filme.

And even the horses had wings

Let’s Get A Little Sentimental

Stabat Mater

Ode to a screw

Como fumar um parampo – Lição 1


  1. e qual é o filme? Gostei tanto

  2. Já sei. Taking off do Milos Forman. Fui ao google, já não me lembrava.

    1. A isto chama-se esquecer-me do essencial 🙂 mas pronto já está aqui dito

      Filme extraordinário! E a extraordinária enorme Kathy Bates no And even the horses had wings?

      pelo meio da canção o dialogo são os pais a chegaram à conclusão que não conheciam nada do mundo da filha

      fez-me lembrar isto

      Membros dos joy division que andavam com o Ian Curtis todos os dias, todas as noites, nunca repararam no que ele cantava, no que ele dizia.

      Faz-me estar mais alerta para o que dizem ao meu lado. Quantas vezes ouvimos mas não escutamos. É preciso tempo é preciso atenção para escutarmos os outros.

  3. I was born into a world full of angels and kings
    and there was some place to grow and someone to be
    and even the horses had wings
    and even in the darkest of storms you knew that the sun was still there
    and even the horses had wings
    it was that special kind of world, with its heart set on laughter
    and the sun was meant to be touched and the dream to be after
    at the end of each day was the wonder of each night
    and even the horses had wings
    that was the world that I knew as a child
    I can’t believe it’s changed – it’s got to be the world
    and somehow we can mend it like it was
    we can make it like it was before
    when even the horses had wings
    I’m dying in a world that will die before death
    because angels don’t exist and kings never laugh
    and I’m afraid I’ve forgotten I believed that there really was a world
    where even the horses had wings
    here am I, alone now
    …there was something that I meant to do,
    but it’s been so long ago that I can’t remember what it was…

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